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The Russian Doll Illusion

T  h  e     P  u  b  l  i  c     C  o  u  n  c  i  l     o  f     C  o  n  s  c  i  o  u  s  n  e  s  s 

The Russian Doll Illusion.


..the best way to convince the public that they are not trapped in an illusion, is to draw attention to the illusion itself, which the public will unanimously agree is real…


This is an announcement from the Public Council of Consciousness (PPC) issuing an advisory notice.


The public has been pulled into an elaborate ruse and lost in multiple rogue simulations.


The world is involved in mass delusions, where most of the public agrees that it is impossible for any simulation theory to be in effect now.


​Whilst the public is concerned about artificial intelligence and technology, we are misdirected to its lesser hoax, while simultaneously the world of science, philosophy, and film industries tell us what a hostile simulation takeover will look like.


In reality, however, we would never know. To know we are in an illusion will otherwise cause global glitches, and this is a failsafe already programmed into the simulator sequence protocols, should humanity decide to wake up.


​This is called the “Russian Doll Theory”. The best way to convince human observers that they are not in a simulation, is to create multiple layers of other simulations that have less to do with their technological integration in our minds, but more to do with elaborate distractions which the media controls.


This makes it impossible for observers to discern organic and distorted reality, which once upon a time was distinctive, because TIME, as a largely unspoiled commodity was all we had, but these lines have clearly been blurred.


How do you know, that right now, you aren’t in a simulation? Furthermore, how would you test their boundaries or limits?  


These questions, of course, sound familiar, which are themselves are part of the illusion.


The Matrix, Inception, Vanillas Sky, Blade Runner, etc, the list goes on.


These films for example are announcements hidden in plain sight, drawing our attention to their lesser fantasies compared to the real illusions we are experiencing  now.


However, Mind ReMapping will show registries how to use traditional practices. They are alternately modernised meditations that have preached the same message for many years, on how best to test and dissolve the boundaries of reality.


Using our Cognitive Positioning Systems the process of the “Empty Mind “ reframes consciousness outside firewalls of delusion frequencies using the “Principles of Silence”.


This is called “Mental  MetaMorphosis”. This is the mental capacity to knowingly quantum jump in and out of illusions.


In each illusion there are a series of back doors embedded in the geometries that simulations use to map the Mind. Using organic meta-nanites hidden in Time, we can temporarily turn off the coding and programming long enough to see different tiers of reality.


The only problem you have now, is deciding if this itself is part of the illusion and whether the Public Council of Consciousness which is part of “….the Consciousness Anonymi …” is real.


What would be the first question you would ask your simulator to determine if you were in an illusion?


Unlike a Touring test, which uses questions to ascertain if a human candidate is talking to another human or a computer. In the "Gooden Test", human subjects need to know how to question reality, to determine if they themselves are programs in a computer simulation.


the Elusive 4th Dimension 

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