M i n d R e M a p p i n g
Redefining Emotions & the Imaginations Mirrors of Perception
E t h e r M i n d
"be so creatively removed from reality that the Mind has no choice, but to come out of hiding…."
Human synthesis are frequencies across 7 levels of consciousness, where the cognitive waveforms of the thinking mind are thoughts that correspond to one fixed direction in language.
All dialects in spoken language whether verbalised or thought, operate within bandwidths between 8 to 32hertz.
As a percentage of the mind this represents 14.8% of its function, relative to the overarching superhighways of the Over Mind with its total wave range measuring as high as 110hertz down to 0.5hertz
The bandwidth of spoken language within these frequencies has varying human characteristics in their behavioural attributes and floors, but ultimately the reoccurring frequencies in personality define our Operating Frequency (OF).
Operating Frequencies are standing residual waveforms of the human model.
Residual waveforms are the emitted sonar resonances of brain activity. Sonar resonance creates interference patterns in consciousness evoking transmissions of thought in the 4th Dimension.
The language that augments thought and its younger sibling's thinking, represents 1/7th of the absolute mind. This fractional opening in time marks one “Gateway” to a paradigm of reality.
Within the standard model of the mind are 7 temporal gateways (positive +) that equally have opposing counter gateways (negative -).
These are portals exploiting alternate realities that correspond to brain activity in frequency, matching every state of mind which represents the planetary orbits in our solar system, that correlate to the 7 virtues or the 7 deadly sins.
Each paradigm within the spectrums of the mind are worlds within a multiverse.
These are realities no less real than the angle of a shadow cast against a wall, the refractions and distortions of light, or the resonances of an echo, as phantoms in time.
However, longer and deeper waveforms of the mind are slower oscillating sequences of meditations, occupying the furthest-reaching parameters of consciousness before the final phase shifts into the Over Mind. These are the theta, delta, and infra wavelengths that have profound impacts rippling through time.
Shorter and shallower waveforms common to most of us, are the standing localised vibrations of the mind. Vibrations orientate its cycles closer to the eye of the storm at the inverse point of reality, between the physical and the metaphysical. They are faster sequences in gamma, beta, and alpha wavelengths, which dissipate quickly into the aether with little temporal effects.
Every bandwidth corresponds to 7 wavelengths in colour which includes their extremes in unified light at one pole and at its opposite, the absolute absence of light, as nothingness, totalling nine levels in consciousness.
The standing bandwidth of the Over Mind is modelled below:
Please note and observe in the wavetable above, that the cognitions between thinking and thought, occupy the 3rd and 4th bandwidths in brain frequencies of Beta and Alpha states of mind.
Both Beta & Alpha states, are cognitive firewalls designed to protect consciousness from unsolicited intrusions, provided, the Gamma waves in creativity that influence thinking and thought together, are trilaterally synchronised to a standard ratio of - 1 cycle of thought: 2 cycles of thinking: & 3 cycles of creativity (1:2:3)
The 3rd and 4th bandwidths also correspond to orientations to 3 dimensions in space, and orientations of the 4th dimensions in time, using X, Y, &, Z axis.
X, Y, & Z axis measure the 3rd dimension as positions in physical space, and the 4th dimension, as depths in time, measured in wavelengths.
Each physical location identified by our senses equally corresponds to a location in the mind, representing the brain's activity in frequency, matching waveforms that determine the mixture of primary colours, that will represent the flowing states of reality in the metaphysical mind.
​The 3-in-3 measures of the X, Y, & Z axes, Creativity, Thinking, & Thought and the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Dimensions all correspond to our Trinary System, creating our Prism of the Mind.
Here are a few examples of the mind’s trinary orientations of circular measures used to triangulate spatial intent equated using -1, 0 to, +1
Oscillation, Vibration, Modulation
Father, Mother & Child
Spirit, Mind, & Body
Past, Present & Future
Morning, Afternoon, & Evening etc…
The bottom line.
All reality whether verbalised or thought in the mind is a language regardless of its dialect, and that dialect follows a strict path that can only go from forward to back, from left to the right, or from the top to the bottom, in their direction.
This means reality in your mind are thoughts and thinking that only move in the direction that its language dictates.
Therefore, he that controls the language, also controls the reality in the minds that use it, but this, however, is not the direction in which the mind itself emits awareness in consciousness. The mind has its own language, which is NOT singular in its expression, but a harmonic.
Reality is not in the language we speak; it is merely realities derivative. We have 360 x 360 permutations within 3 dimensions of space, but most of humanity, though living in many dialects, lives within one paradigm of time.
C a r r i e r S i g n a l s
- 10 db
- 10 db
“….Every great idea, thought, or belief are not only perceptions, but moreover, they are locations within the 4th dimension of TIME…”
the Elusive 4th Dimension
Our minds are expansive, organic, multi-rotational systems composed of seven distinct properties of consciousness, much like the orbital systems in space that reflect the mathematical precision of the golden spiral.
At various intervals along the geometries of time, the mind simultaneously aligns with seven different positions in the 4th Dimension.
Its rotational sequences follow unique looping patterns, spiralling at varying angles within spherical 360-degree rotations of mental activity.
Each thought, belief, and perception acts as a framework, bridging conceptual ideas and linking our linear realities to specific navigational orientations across the seven planetary properties of the mind, all governed by this clock-like system.
At any moment, countless possibilities exist within the superpositions of the mind. However, our belief systems often dictate the same familiar paths through time, limiting us to repetitive patterns.
While traditional clocks measure time with three hands—hour, minute, and second—the mind operates with five references: what, why, when, where, and who. These five dimensions of inquiry mirror the brain’s wave patterns—gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta—each corresponding to specific mental activities, depending on where the questions are focused.
The stronger the influence of external reality, the deeper our inquiries become, propelling us further into the void of time, where these questions shape our decisions.
This approach to cognition is called Spherical Thinking. As three-dimensional beings, it is natural that our thinking should reflect the same multidimensional and spatial qualities as time itself.