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Spherical time 

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Meta Real Estate of the Mind  


You wouldn't Knowingly give away land you owed, to then be charged a premium on that property.


So why give away the Rights of your Mind, to any external influence to control the real estate of your Consciousness?

Ignorance is Debt to the Self.

​Every Morning you have to re-establish ownership of your Mind, otherwise, the Debt owed to your Consciousness will be sold to the highest bidder, who will use your Ignorance and charge you to use your own Mind. 

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the Elusive 4th Dimension 


What are the most Marketable Ideas....?


What is the most Profitable Real Estate...?

The mind 

What is the most Valuable Asset ...?


The means to extract knowledge out of Awareness is through Expansions of "Spherical Time"  


Spherical Time resonates with Emotional Friction, which we feel as an impedance to our limits. 

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