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“…become the voice of the dreams the world won’t see coming, and speak those dreams into existence…”



Imagine a positioning system that, as a language, locates the resonating voice that commands every dream within parts of the mind that never sleep.


Mind ReMapping is that system.


​I see the halved existence of your worlds through a wide lens. I see your world through a cosmic lens of the macrocosm and microcosm 

The cosmic lens of the macrocosm & microcosm forms an individual sphere.


Spheres combine every duality in the observable universe through a process of quantisation.


​Quantisation are progressive calculations in orders of time in their harmonies, or miscalculations in their Error Corrections.


​Quantisation builds spatial geometries divided into a Binoculus GyroSphere corresponding to the positive & negative hemispheres of the brain and mind that are modulated by 7 layers in cognition.​


GGyro-Spheric Binoculi create combined Bi-Optic Atlases, which too comprise of the 3rd & 4th dimension.




The Inverted Eye & man .jpg
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