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f o c u s

T   I  M  E

u n d e r s t a n d 

o b j e c t i f y 

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D 3

D 2

D 1

E X T E R N A L 

I N T E R N A L 

Cypress Tree _edited.png
Cypress Tree _edited.png

P  R  I  S  M 


triangular wave  


E X T E R N A L 

D  I  M  E  N  S  I  O  N  S 

 P H A S E  D E E P  I N T O  T H E   D A R K 

 A N D   C R O S S - P H A S E   I N T O   T H E   L I G H T 

…validating infinite realities beyond 3 Dimensions, too slow, for the 4 Dimensions of Mind that are too VAST…

E M P I R I C A L   S C A L I N G 

When looking across the horizon of your Consciousness, do the lights of Awareness illuminate the landscapes of your Imagination, or are there impenetrable shadows that wait to obscure and shorten the ambitions of each of your days?

If there are shadows of the Mind that as limiting beliefs, seek to distort your future, you must first flush them out and fragment their impedances before you can travel towards your goals, otherwise, they will consume your sensibilities.

You will not find the shadows of the Mind in the light of what you already know, because those lights are the extent of your Creativity, which for it to evolve, will eventually lead you into the dusks of Consciousness, where many of us do not wish to venture.

It would be best if you found the courage to explore beyond the Wintery Midnights of your Mind because that is where the shadows of your beliefs reside, who dominate and discourage every journey toward the breaking dawns of Spring and its possibilities, and thus, we anxiously remain at the boundaries to our own darkness.

We dare not enter, because we do not have the Creative Frameworks that allow us to refract Awareness into blinding lights of colour, exposing the limits of our beliefs, so instead, Consciousness left in the shadows creates a Framework of deterrents that prevents our progress into 4 Dimensions of the Mind, as seasons of TIME.

If we capture our Minds within the seasons of either Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn, it obscures the full cycle of the Spherical Senses to all of our Minds, which balances all of the Imagination.

An unbalanced Imagination creates deterrents in our Minds. These, however, are not the monsters of our anxieties, frustrations, worries, and doubts we believe they are, nor what they present themselves to be, they are illusions.

Once we can silence the theatre of their directives, the emptiness of Consciousness are opportunity to observe the fault of our Thoughts, however, one's lack of self-confidence can emotionally overwhelm frameworks of Thinking.

If the Imagination of our limiting Thoughts is greater than our Thinking, they will manifest the dark of our Minds into the many guises of our FEARS.

These are the alternate realities of the Elusive 4 Dimensions of Time, which will necessitate the Frameworks of Mind ReMapping if we are to find the Triad of balance for our Consciousness.

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